I am grateful to have the opportunity to continue representing all of the citizens of Hurst as a member of the Hurst City Council. I am wrapping up my 7th year on the City Council and will be filing for re-election in January 2025. I continue to keep public safety a top priority and place great importance in knowing my neighbors and being available to listen to concerns. I remain very active in our community and dedicated to my role as a member of your City Council.
I would like to share some notable accomplishments from the last few years of work on the Hurst City Council:
- Worked with council and city staff to develop a budget that fully funds public safety. More than 50% of our total budget supports police and fire. Adequate funding allows our public safety officers the staffing, tools, and training necessary to ensure the health and safety of all in our city.
- Worked with council, staff, and our citizens to develop a budget that meets the needs for quality city and community services. The pressures of inflation and wage increases have presented unique challenges but I believe we have done our best to produce a reasonable city budget.
- Acted with council on opportunities to invest in key “Catalytic Areas” as determined by our neighborhood plan. (Examples: purchase of the Val Oaks Shopping Center and Masonic Lodge for future development, a land exchange with HEB ISD for a new campus at Bellaire Elementary, continued improvements along the Pipeline and Highway 10 corridors.)
- Continued to build strong relationships throughout the HEB area and in our region with our partners in local government, the HEB and Birdville school districts, the HEB Chamber of Commerce, and many of our business leaders in the community. These good relationships are incredibly important for our city, the HEB area, and our region.
In addition to my work with the city council, here are some opportunities I’ve had to serve and build connections:
- Advisory Board member – 6Stones – This great organization does amazing things in our schools and cities. From providing backpacks and Christmas gifts to our HEB students to rebuilding homes in Hurst through CPR, this impressive non-profit does lots of good things in HEB.
- Board member – HEB ISD Education Foundation – The Education Foundation supports our teachers and school district with additional funds for special projects and grants.
- Chair, Northeast Steering Committee – United Way of Tarrant County – It is an honor to chair this committee of community leaders from cities and organizations in the NE Tarrant region. I have learned so much about organizations that can help our citizens and I have built connections that are of benefit to my work on the city council.
- Member, Board of Directors – United Way of Tarrant County – During my year as chair of the NE Tarrant Steering Committee I also have the opportunity to be a part of the Board of Directors for United Way of Tarrant County. The board consists of an impressive group of leaders in Tarrant County who seek to help their neighbor and want to see Tarrant County thrive.
- Board Director, Texas Municipal League Region 8 – Texas Municipal League helps members cities in Texas have the best information and resources to make informed decisions. TML hosts training, seminars, and an annual conference that provide some of the best information, education, and inspiration for city leaders. It is an honor to represent our 10 county region on the state board for TML.
- Alternate, Regional Transportation Committee – North Central Texas Council of Governments – The RTC consists of 44 members from cities and organizations throughout the DFW Metroplex. I was selected by mayors in our region to be the alternate to our board representative Jeremy Tompkins (Euless council member). These monthly meetings provide a wealth of information and learning about transportation projects in our region.
- Board member – North East Emergency Distribution (NEED) – NEED assists neighbors in the HEB area with food support. I am a regular volunteer at NEED.
If you have any questions or comments, please use the Contact page to send a message.